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It is essential that redundant laboratory apparatus and even office equipment must be disposed of using a registered waste carrier, who can provide you with documentation to prove that the items you have cleared from your lab have been disposed of in accordance with the law. 

The WEEE regulations stipulate that old PC’s and monitors, photocopiers and even the broken kettle in your tearoom must be dealt with properly.

For many years we have been removing and disposing of all categories of freezer and refrigerator under the amended Waste Control Regulations that define the requirements for disposal of equipment containing CFC’s as either a refrigerant or a blowing agent used in the insulation. This type of insulation is also found in other equipment: insulated shakers, and CO² incubators for example. 

You are required to decontaminate equipment for disposal and prove you have done so. We can supply the blank decontamination documentation needed, or you can use your own.

As well as cost, the disposal of old equipment creates an administrative burden. We can deal with the paperwork needed to comply with the law, on your behalf as part of our service. 

To reduce costs, we have a quarantined, secure storage area where all equipment for disposal is held safely inside on a sealed concrete floor. 

In this way we can assemble bulk loads for delivery to, or collection by, our various recycling contractors, saving on unit costs and helping to meet our own aim of reducing road journeys to reduce CO² emissions.   

Our -80 freezers go to a company that recycles 99% of the freezer including the gases and insulation.

When recycled, cardboard can be used to make products like cereal boxes, paperboard, paper towels, tissues and printing or writing paper. It is also used to make more corrugated cardboard. 

Last year HRH recycled 11750kg of cardboard from suppliers packaging.

Our general waste skip company boasts recycling of 98% of everything that goes through their plant.