Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Equipment

At HRH Logistics we pride ourselves on being able to deliver your new laboratory equipment to point of use.
Not to the kerb or Goods In but to the place where you and your team are going to use it.
We do the jobs that other, more conventional, express volume carriers cannot and will not do.
A supplier may have a contract with a large national carrier but will call us on an individual basis to deal with a difficult installation.
We may collect and deliver, or we might send a team after the usual contractor has dropped the unit off at the end user's premises, and we will take it those last, important few metres to the point of use.
Our teams often work with the supplier’s engineers, installing and setting up new equipment, supplying the equipment and expertise to make assembly and commissioning a safe process.
Where we can make huge savings for suppliers is in our ability to deliver fragile equipment with minimal or no packaging. Customers
who we have worked with for over forty years, have made savings running into hundreds of thousands of pounds. As pressure grows
on manufacturers to reduce packaging this in itself adds value to our service.
Laboratory equipment suppliers that exhibit at the major shows or smaller venues often call on HRH to assist set up and take down, reducing the time their own staff spend on the logistics of the show.