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The hazards in your laboratory, in the form of chemicals or potentially infectious materials, create a new set of issues for you and your safety officer when they are moved from the confines of your working area. 

Even if not moving from your site, they still pose a risk as there is a possibility that members of the public or staff and students might be exposed to harmful substances.

Proper assessment and the correct packing materials and procedures are essential. 

The documentation needed: risk assessments and method statements have to support the transfer in real terms, not just be a paper exercise. 

Our in-house Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA), has years of experience in this. 

Our expert trained teams, using the packaging specified by ADR regulations, can reduce the risks to a containers minimum, whether you are moving hazardous materials into temporary storage on site while your Lab is refurbished, or across Europe. 

Temperature Sensitive Relocations

Your laboratory may contain items stored from +4ºC in a conventional refrigerator, to -196ºC in liquid nitrogen.

It is possible to transfer materials at these extremes and anywhere between over great distances without compromising the integrity of the samples or the reliability and service life of your freezers.

 We have moved thousands of the popular -80ºC and -20ºC freezers and their contents as well as samples in liquid nitrogen without compromising the viability of the samples. 

Should it be necessary to place your samples in a temporary storage freezer, for example if you are not taking your freezer with you, we can supply -80ºC freezers prior or on the day of your move for the journey, and available on a temporary basis at your new site for collection later when your own freezers are established.

Many contents kept at ultra low temperatures require relocating in a very specific way adhering to the rules of ADR. 

Whether its UN3373 that requires P650 packing requirements or engaging the Department for Transport in getting a dispensation to relocate full ULT freezers our DGSA can organise and liaise on your behalf.